Work With Me

You-n-me working together? Yes, pls.

I wanna be your forever cheerleader, ass kicker and partner-in-crime as you build that online coaching empire of yours. You know: the one you're afraid to talk about with  with your BFF in case her response is "okkkkkkkkkk." 🙄[translation: that sounds hella crazy]. NO, HOMESLICE...IT'S NOT CRAZY AT ALL.

But here's the real truth: this shit *is* HARD to do on your own. Believe me I know...cause I tried. But lucky for you,  if you work with me as your coach  you get a permission slip to cut the whole "empire building" line and just walk straight up to the front like you're Beyoncé in her 'Formation' video. Yay! 



I got some courses

I truly want to teach you e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g I know. So I'm always creating new courses, workshops and masterclasses to help you uplevel the fuck outta your business. Instagram Coach Camp is my signature program, and it's available for purchase at different times throughout the year. In this program I teach you exactly how to show up on Instagram every day so you can explode your coaching biz just like I did [I've never advertised my services annnnywhere else].

learn more


If you're really ready to make some money moves, let's get real close-n-personal and work together 1:1. This is for chicks who wanna go big or go home.

I have a couple different options when it comes to 1:1 coaching, but rest assured, all of them lead to: badass moves, big shifts, and duh: empire status for you and your biz.

learn more

Learn more about our [One] Membership

[One] is a Curated Membership for Innovation Obsessed Entrepreneurs.


© 2020 Erica Reitman | brand and website by high moon studio