I help badass,
tell-it-like-it-is coaches
like you build their online empires and take over the world.

Hola, I’m Erica

as seen in

Let me be direct: You-n-me are meant to be homies.

REAL TALK: I know that you’ve been hangin’ out in the online coaching space for awhile now and I’m guessing your bored AF. You see all the vanilla, standard issue guru coaches doin’ their thang and you feel like: “uhm, I don’t fit in with annnnny of those chicks at all.”

But, hold up wait a minute. You also want to get this online biz party started. You’re done waiting around and you’re ready to embrace your inner CEO, build your coaching empire, make cash money and start changing lives.

Cool...I got you.

I’m a coach who breaks all the rules and ignores all the gurus…

...Yep, you can do that too. 

I get you. You like to do things your own way...have some REAL strong opinions...and don’t want this dream online coaching biz of yours to look anything at all like what you’re seeing out there. 

[“Alexa, play Award Tour by Tribe Called Quest]

I run my whole damn multi-six-figure coaching biz from dream house in Mexico. I curse my face off on social media, only create programs that feel super fun to me, and talk about shit that is mostly the complete opposite of everything else you hear in downtown vanilla coachland.

My biz looks NUTH-ANG like all the boring ass, “follow my 10-step proprietary formula to build your dream biz” shit you see on the gram. And I want to show you e-x-a-c-t-l-y how to do this too.

more about me

Learn more about our [One] Membership

[One] is a Curated Membership for Innovation Obsessed Entrepreneurs.


I’m dying to work with you...

I don’t care what random online programs you’ve enrolled in, how many lame-o freebies you’ve signed up for [and then completely ignored in your inbox], or what plain jane masterminds you may have been a part of. 

I’m obsessed with creating only the most bomb, ridiculously value packed, totally unique programs to train coaches that you’ve ever laid your eyes on. And spoiler alert: you’re probs gonna want to sign-up for every single one of em. 


My brand-new 3-month mastermind only for tell-it-like-it-is coaches


A 90-minute deep dive sesh to quickly make decisions & jump start your biz


Options for how we can work together real close-n-personal to blow up your biz 

Coach Icon Mastermind

1:1 Intensive Sesh

1:1 Coaching

Here’s how I can be your coach...

My new podcast is gonna kick your ass, build your biz, and crack you the hell up every week.

I use one holy grail platform to run my whole damn coaching biz, and this is it [I wanna give you 28 days free]

You’re My Fave podcast


You need ALL of this Amazon shit in your life, and you need it bad [it’s all been field tested by me, so you’re only my faves] 

my amazon shop

All of my favorite-y faves

© 2020 Erica Reitman | brand and website by high moon studio